Re: FVWM: Trigger function for switch decor

From: Mikhael Goikhman <>
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004 07:19:17 +0000

On 15 Mar 2004 09:43:43 +0500, Viktor Vislobokov wrote:
> I have a problem with fvwm 2.5.9.
> In order Windooze behavior emulation, I try to change pixmap over
> maximize button while a window coming maximizing. I have two decors:
> first with icon1.xpm over maximize button and second with icon2.xpm over
> maximize button.
> I wrote function MaxFunction as follow:
> AddToFunc MaxFunction
> + I ChangeDecor Decor1
> + I TestRc (Maximized) ChangeDecor Decor2

This is incorrect. TestRc is only valid after conditional commands
and it only accepts currently "Match", "NoMatch" and "Error" values.
You probably want:

  ThisWindow (Maximized) ChangeDecor Decor2

or maybe:

  ThisWindow (Maximized) ChangeDecor Decor1
  TestRc (!Match) ChangeDecor Decor2

> I bound this function on press maximize button event.
> At result: while a window maximized, it decor is changed, but
> while the window unmaximized, it decor is not changed. There is
> stay icon2.xpm over maximize button.
> Where are I wrong?

Also consider not to use ChangeDecor if you can, since it may disapper,
but something like "WindowStyle Font xxx, Colorset nn, HandleWidth n".

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Received on Mon Mar 15 2004 - 01:21:41 GMT

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