Re: FVWM: desktop snapshot

From: Tavis Ormandy <>
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2004 15:04:38 +0000

On Mon, Mar 01, 2004 at 09:34:05AM -0500, Stephen R Dennison wrote:
> Anyone else think it would be cool to use something like this in
> conjunction with FvwmEvent to modify pager icons? Or has anyone already
> done this?
> I only ask because I think I lack the understanding to do it (atm).
> I think it's possible... guess I'll find out.

I decided to make this my project for today :)

I have a basic working solution, it's far from perfect, but I think it can be
improved, you may find this solution funny :)


Basically I have a RootTransparent pager, then update the wallpaper
behind it! I use FvwmBacker to take new shots, so it's updated when you
change pages...there is probably a better way.

Here is what I have so far, any suggestions welcome :)

I start the screenshots with Next (FvwmPager, CirculateHit) InitScreenShotPager

------------------------------------- | finger me for my gpg key.
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