Re: FVWM: Binding 3 mystery keys

From: Erik Steffl <>
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2004 13:43:38 -0800

Dominik Vogt wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 17, 2004 at 10:36:31AM +0200, stu wrote:
>>Hi everyone
>>I'm running fvwm 2.5.8, XFree86 4.3.0, Debian unstable.
>>I have a 106 key keyboard. There are 3 keys(top row, to right of
>>function keys) which I wish to bind. There appears to be no entry in
>>/usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h for any of these keys. The keys have
>>symbols on them - my interpretation of them is that they represent
>>a 'No lock' key, a 'sleep' key (symbol of a moon) and an 'alarm'
>>Does anyone have any advice as to how would I go about getting the
>>Keyname of these keys(or creating ones) so I could then bind them to my
>>desired functions?
> According to the xev output below, they have no names attached to
> them yet. To be able to bind anything to them, you need to assign
> KeySyms to them first. You can use xkeycaps to find a keyboard
> layout that activates them and then let it generate an Xmodmap
> file for it. Or you can do that manually with the xmodmap
> command.

   you can also look for the given keyboard model and if you can't find
one create a new one, it's fairly simple (see xkb, config files in
/etc/X11, probably, depends on distro)


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