FVWM: GKRellm start placement

From: Ryan Daly <daly_at_ctcnet.net>
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2004 10:47:57 -0500 (EST)

I'm trying to have GKRellm start in a certain location on my desktop.
For some reason, the app starts, goes to my specified location, but then
warps itself to +0+0. Is there a Style option that I may be missing? Am
I not covering something with my function?

AddToFunc "GK-Init"
  + "I" Exec exec /usr/bin/gkrellm
  + "I" Wait gkrellm
  + "I" Next gkrellm ResizeMove 97x449-0+64

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Received on Tue Feb 17 2004 - 09:49:24 GMT

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