Re: FVWM: multiples fvwmtabs and keeping track of position

From: Scott Smedley <>
Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2004 10:51:31 +1100

Hi Xavier,

: the fvwmtabs window appears at the right position, but always in the current
: desk instead of the desk it was before restarting fvwm

That's highly possible. I don't think I've ever tested FvwmTabs with
multiple desktops. FvwmTabs just needs to record the desk it's on & then
utilise 'MoveToDesk' when it restarts - a trivial modification I think.
I'll check it out this w/end.

: 4 windows disappeared !

This is obviously a different problem. I noticed that FvwmTabs spat
out these lines during the restart:

: FvwmTabs: Window doesn't exist.
: FvwmTabs: Window doesn't exist.
: FvwmTabs: Window doesn't exist.
: FvwmTabs: Window doesn't exist.

Just before a restart, FvwmTabs records all the windows that it's
holding & saves them to the state file. Upon restart it tries to
re-swallow these windows - if you get the above error message it means
that FvwmTabs couldn't find that window after the restart.

: i believe they are still running on my machine.

Can you confirm this? If FvwmTabs doesn't swallow them, & this is a
legitimate bug, the 4 windows should still be floating around somewhere.

There could be any number of reasons why the window was destroyed during
the restart. What app(s) did these windows belong to?

SCoTT. :)
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