Re: FVWM: Re: MaximizeWidthMult

From: Neil Zanella <>
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2000 23:48:54 -0230 (NDT)

On Mon, 10 Jul 2000, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:

> It works with my bash. And with expr as well. Do you run this function in
> a window context? Try to bind it to a button or run: Pick MaximizeWidthMult
> Or maybe you have MaxWindowSize 100 100 or similar, limiting the size.
> For example xv will only occupy several pages if you give -nolimits to it.

Thanks. I had a "Style xterm MaxWindowSize 100 100" in my configuration
file. What I really meant to do with this is have xterm be initially
occupy no more space than one viewport and be entirely contained in the
viewport but no fvwm flag will fo this.

Other than that with "Style xterm MaxWindowSize 100 100" commented out
the MaximizeWidthMult function works.



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