Re: FVWM: FvwmRandomBack

From: Mikhael Goikhman <>
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2004 12:45:08 +0000

On 08 Jan 2004 12:11:44 +0100, Guido Berhoerster wrote:
> * Mikhael Goikhman <> [2004-01-07 20:35]:
> > Ok, I think I have no problem if the code in the script is under the
> > new BSDL (I didn't recognize it), and the resulting script executable is
> > covered by the GNU GPL, as quoted.
> >
> > However I think it may be considered good if all code that depends on the
> > GNU GPL'd library is at least dual licensed, making derivatives under GNU
> > GPL trivial (or interoperability trivial, for this reason). Currently my
> > understanding is that the BSDL header should be left untouched in the
> > derived GPL'd work, that is a nonsense.
> >
> > If my understanding is wrong and the BSDL header (anything under the
> > copyright notice) may be just replaced with the GNU GPL'd header then
> > there is no any issue.
> Well in contrast to the GPL the main point of the (modified)
> BSD-License is to give credit to the author, so the copyright
> line and the two license conditions and the disclaimer need to be
> preserved. I think the GPL header is quite similar to this, see
> But other than that there are no restrictions, everybody is free
> to do whatever her or she wants to do with it, it may be included
> in a GPL'd project or it may even be used in a commercial closed
> source program. I prefer this kind of freedom but I have no
> objections against the GPL either, it's a matter of philosophy
> and personal preference. Should I ever write something which is
> less simple and more useful or which might even be included in
> fvwm I will put it under the GPL (which is probably longer than
> this tiny module).

Ok, I am glad you understand that having only one license in the project
enourmously simplifies all things, you should never ever think about
legal issues. The issue is very real, since maintaining multiple scripts
and modules always means patching all of them on many occasions.

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Received on Thu Jan 08 2004 - 06:47:22 GMT

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