FVWM: Re: Mozilla/Firebird FullScreen issues

From: Kingsly John <kingsly_at_users.sourceforge.net>
Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2004 12:24:38 +0530

+++ Olivier Chapuis [2004-01-04 20:47:08]:

> Hello,
> First some clarifications. 2.5.8 support the ewmh way to go full screen
> (_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN) and 2.5.7 does not. I can reproduce the
> mozilla disappearing problem with 2.5.7, I cannot with 2.5.8.
> One point is that an application (here mozilla) can use different
> method to go full screen regardless the fact the wm support or not the
> _NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN state. If you switch from 2.5.7 to 2.5.8 with
> a restart, mozilla can think that 2.5.8 does not support the

This is what I was doing until now... I now added "fvwm2" to the last line of
my .xinitrc and exited fvwm... and a new instance started up.

Now Mozilla/Firebird disappear more frequently than before... and even when
they do go full screen they still have the border and titlebar.

> About layer. It will be good to have fullscreenLayer style, we have
> not. But you should try:
> Style * EWMHUseStackingOrderHints
> which puts (ewmh) full screen window at the default top layer.

This helped fix the problems of gkrellm staying on top of other full screened
[ie., tvtime now runs on Layer 4 in windowed mode, and Layer 6 in full screen.]

But is it really necessary to add that line because everything was working
fine on 2.5.7 even without that extra line. Since this is "expected behavior"
wouldn't it be better if it was turned on by default ?(ie., not having to
turn it on in the config.


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Received on Mon Jan 05 2004 - 00:55:10 GMT

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