FVWM: arranging minimized apps and mousecursor

From: Joolz <joolz_at_xs4all.nl>
Date: Thu, 1 Jan 2004 08:13:06 +0100

Happy new year everybody!

(Maybe this is pretty basic, but I often get confused about the fvwm /
X syntax for screen location)

I have a very quiet FVWM setup, I spend >8 hours behind a PC, so I
don't want a lot of eyecandy :-) Here's a screenshot:
http://www.xs4all.nl/~kiar/desktop.png . I've been using it for a
while but there are a few things I'm not content with.

Right now, minimized apps are stacked from left to right in the left
bottom part of the screen. They have an icon, some use their own, the
ones that don't have one get it via a style.

What I would like is this:

- minimized apps don't have icons (not even if they have their own on
  board), only a title in a small bar
- minimized apps stack in the right bottom part of the screen, from
  bottom to top
- minimized apps have a fixed width, no matter the size of the title

Something like this:

| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| --------
| |app 3 |
| --------
| |app 2 |
| --------
| |app 1 |

I hope someone can help me on this one, if I have to do it myself it
would trial and error and take a lot of time :-\

Aother question: a few weeks ago I switched from RH9 to FC1 (Fedora).
I had RH9 configured so it didn't use the alpha mousecursors and I
could do things like:

CursorStyle POSITION left_ptr orange black
CursorStyle TITLE left_ptr orange black

However, I can't remember how I disabled the fancy cursors... Does
anyone know how I can tell FC1 to use the basic mousecursors?

Thanks for any help!

Fedora Core release 1 (Yarrow) Linux 2.4.22-1.2129.nptl
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Received on Thu Jan 01 2004 - 01:15:36 GMT

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