FVWM: key to prelude a fvwm command

From: Frank Gruellich <frank_at_home.manuelm.org>
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2003 22:10:35 +0100


I go now for several weeks with fvwm (now 2.5.8) and really love it.
But I'm still a beginner (I've said it, okay?). I'm used to operate my
pc with keyboard mostly. Now I'm confronted with the lack of keys.
Several times it happens, that I strike a programs internal hotkey and
realize immediatelly, that I bound a fvwm command to it. As I don't
know, what programs I will use (let alone, which hotkeys they use) in
future times, I would like to remedy this problem at all.

My former 'window manager' (screen) has a neat feature: any screen
command is introduced by a special escape key (C-a by default). E.g. I
use C-a " to get my windowlist, C-a C-c to get a new window and so on.
Can I do something similar in fvwm? Any resources where somebody had
done something like this?

Thanks in advance,
 regards, Frank.
Sigmentation fault
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Received on Mon Dec 22 2003 - 15:14:23 GMT

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