FVWM: problem with raising next window

From: Guido Berhoerster <ich_at_guido-berhoerster.org>
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2003 00:25:01 +0100

I'm trying to emulate Mwm's f.circle_up function. It is used to
raise the window which is on the bottom of the window stack to
the top so that it won't be obscured by other windows however it
does _NOT_ set the focus to the raised window.
I have bound a the following command to a keyboard shortcut:

Key Escape A M Next (AcceptsFocus) Raise

Unfortunately it does not appear to work, no windows are raised.
Strange enough the following, very similar command which is used
to set the focus to the next window works perfectly:

Key Tab A M Next (AcceptsFocus) Focus

What am I missing here and how can I get it to work?
Guido Berhoerster    ich_at_guido-berhoerster.org
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Received on Sun Dec 21 2003 - 17:27:20 GMT

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