Re: FVWM: how can I execute a fvwm cmd after a shell cmd ?

From: Mikhael Goikhman <>
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2003 17:31:54 +0000

On 10 Dec 2003 20:31:44 +0530, Srivathsa Rao U wrote:
> I want to read some file which has fvwm commands after some shell command.
> This shell command basically to create the fvwm command file.
> Here is the one Eg:
> DestroyFunc updatePager
> AddToFunc updatePager
> + I Exec xterm +sb -geometry 50X30+502+310 -e .fvwm/updatePager
> + I Read .FvwmForm-Pager
> 1st command wil create the file .FvwmForm-Pager which has some fvwm
> setting & it takes input from user as well
> 2nd command to read the cammands inside .FvwmForm-Pager.
> What is happening now :
> It executes 1st command & 2nd one doesnot wait it for 1st command to
> finish , hense failing.

If this is a fast non-interactive command, then execute it like:

  PipeRead `xterm +sb -geometry 50X30+502+310 -e .fvwm/updatePager >/dev/null`

(do you really need xterm here, maybe "Exec $[FVWM_USERDIR]/updatePager"?)

If this is long or interactive command, then do this:

  DestroyFunc updatePager
  AddToFunc updatePager
  + I Exec xterm -e .fvwm/updatePager; xmessage -g +2000+2000 -class "DummyWindow" ""
  + I Wait DummyWindow
  + I Read .FvwmForm-Pager

Or use the method suggested by Dan.

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Received on Wed Dec 10 2003 - 11:34:35 GMT

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