Re: FVWM: fvwm2/libstroke

From: Mikhael Goikhman <>
Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2003 23:16:27 +0000

On 09 Dec 2003 13:33:25 -0500, Alex BATKO wrote:
> > I don't understand how apt-get may work at all, does not it require an updated
> > list of packages to start to work, how did you define this list? Unless I miss
> > some apt-get repository that features fvwm-2.4.17 rpm, do not use apt-get, it
> > can't help you here.
> Apt downloads the latest rpm headers and then compares them to my local rpm
> header database.

Download the latest rpm headers from where?

Anyway, apt-get can't help you, because RedHat does not provide libstroke
package, it does not provide fvwm package either. But you still may
install both if you go to and run "rpm -U libstroke-* fvwm-*".

> > Amyway, just install one of the libstroke rpms that you may find on the Net
> > and you will be fine with "rpm --upgrade fvwm-2.4.17-1.i386.rpm".
> The fvwm that I have installed is from your website, it's just that when I
> installed it, I had to use "--nodeps". I downloaded it again, just now, and I
> ran rpm with "--upgrade" as you suggested, and I got the usual libstroke
> dependency failure:
> % rpm --upgrade fvwm-2.4.17-1.i386.rpm
> error: Failed dependencies:
> is needed by fvwm-2.4.17-1
> > You may find one of the libstroke rpms on our rpm page, should work
> > with any RedHat version.
> What do you mean by "one of the libstroke rpms"... is this some fvwm rpm with
> libstroke incorporated into it, or do you mean that there is a libstroke rpm,
> with just libstroke, and not fvwm?

I mean, if you go to, then to "download", then to "rpm packages"
you get to this page:

There you may find both fvwm-2.4.17-1.i386.rpm and instructions about
installing it (read the last paragraph and visit both links in it).
There is libstroke rpm there that should work fine for you. Or you may
go to (don't use, it is horribly outdated
for some packages) and find other libstroke rpms, that may work well too.

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Received on Tue Dec 09 2003 - 17:19:08 GMT

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