FVWM: Re: Running under CDE

From: David S. Goldberg <dsg_at_mitre.org>
Date: 27 Jun 2000 09:20:36 -0400

This is off topic, but may be of general interest. Any followups
should be taken off the list.

> I suppose this is really an xterm question after all, so this may be the
> wrong place to ask, but I will anyway. What I notice is that dtterm has
> the ability, in fvwm as well as CDE, to hold different text in the buffer
> used for the Copy key after the mouse buffer has been replaced with newer
> text. If anyone out there knows how this is done, I'd appreciate knowing
> the secret.

In X you have the clipboard and the selection (I'm ignoring cut
buffers since they're not relevant to the discussion and I don't know
enough about them anyway :-). The Copy and Paste (and Cut for some
applications) keys work with the clipboard, the all-mouse select and
paste (usually with left button and middle button respectively) use
the primary selection. Somewhere there's a secondary selection but I
don't think I've ever found anything that used it. xterm used to only
know about the selection, but it's been clipboard aware for quite some
time now. However, I see what I think you're talking about. I did a
little experiment. I ran xterm and xclipboard, which I believe is
standard with most X environments. xclipboard lets you manage several
clipboards, exactly one of which is active at any time. In my xterm
window I selected some text with the mouse. When I pressed the Copy
key the text showed up in the xclipboard window. When I pressed
Paste, the text from the clipboard was pasted into the file I was
editing. All well and good. Then I selected some different text. I
did not press Copy. The xclipboard window was unchanged. I just
pressed Paste. The newly selected text ended up in the file instead
of the clipboard. So xterm is doing something weird on the Paste key.
If it finds a primary selection it uses that, otherwise the clipboard.
According to the xterm man page on my Solaris 7 system, this must mean
that the Paste key is bound to insert-selection(PRIMARY,CLIPBOARD)
(see the ACTIONS section) or something similar as there may be other
sources checked either before or after the clipboard. So you should
be able to set up an XTerm translation resource that binds the Paste
key to insert-selection(CLIPBOARD,PRIMARY). Something like this:

*.VT100.Translations: #override \n\
<Key>SunPaste: insert-selection(CLIPBOARD,PRIMARY)

Dave Goldberg
Post: The Mitre Corporation\MS K207\202 Burlington Rd.\Bedford, MA 01730
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Email: dsg_at_mitre.org
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