FVWM: Colorsets in 2.5.8

From: M.Kondrin <mkondrin_at_hppi.troitsk.ru>
Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2003 20:56:10 -0800

Was using fvwm2 for quite a long time, but I have just installed 2.5.8
and was perplexed about colorsets usage in titlebars. Here some strings
from my config
# Colorsets active , hilighted , inactive
Colorset 1 bg #ffe7bf, fg brown, Plain, sh brown, hi brown
Colorset 2 bg #ffffbf, fg brown, Plain, sh brown, hi brown
Colorset 3 bg #e7e7e7, fg black, Plain, sh Black, hi Black
TitleStyle ActiveUp (Colorset 1) ActiveDown (Colorset 2) Inactive
(Colorset 3)
#Just these strings does not works - although shadow and highligts are
defined, titlebars does not use them but use default 3D highlighting, so...
#...the next 2 strings - defining Style * with my own highlighting
Style "*" Colorset 3 , HilightColorset 1, BorderColorset 3,
HilightBorderColorset 3 ...
#?nd setting the buttons to be alike borders
ButtonStyle All Inactive ( -- UseBorderStyle )

but the problem is with buttons using the same foreground color as
titlebar (brown) not the border foreground (invariantly black as I have
1. Can it be somehow fixed? (although I am aware that I am using
unstable version and so on)
2 Isn't it a something of an overkill specifying two sets of Colorsets
(TitleStyle and Style) for titlebar colouring?
Thanks a lot in advance!

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