Re: FVWM: EwmhBaseStruts

From: Mikhael Goikhman <>
Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2003 12:30:22 +0000

On 01 Dec 2003 12:33:44 +0100, KONTRA Gergely wrote:
> I set EwmhBaseStruts 64 0 0 0 in my .fvwm2rc, but new windows are placed
> at the left edge of the screen.

I can't reproduce this. Create a minimal .fvwm2rc with 2 or more lines
that shows your problem in one of the latest 2.5.x.

Maybe you start applications like "xterm -g +20+20" or maybe these
applications set position hints themselves, then disable Position hints
for such apps (search for "Position" in the man page).

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Received on Mon Dec 01 2003 - 06:32:57 GMT

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