Re: FVWM: fvwm and gnome properties

From: Dan Espen <>
Date: Wed, 05 Nov 2003 21:09:42 -0500

Norman Walsh <> writes:
> Hash: SHA1
> I'm running fvwm 2.5.7 and Gnome 2.4. I have fvwm setup as my window manager
> and everything is fine until I run the gnome property editor
> (nautilus preferences://).
> That seems to takeover the desktop. Hotkeys still work, but menus and
> FvwmBacker don't.
> Is it me, or gnome, or fvwm, or...?

It's Nautilus, it puts an invisible window on the background.
In the preferences editor, you can tell it not to.

Dan Espen                           E-mail:
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Received on Wed Nov 05 2003 - 20:13:03 GMT

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