FVWM: quotes as apostrophes

From: Eduardo Alvarez <punga_at_great-atuin.net>
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 2003 20:03:13 +0000

hello all,

I was trying to write a script that allowed me to select different mp3's
off a menu, but I'm having trouble with some of the songs, which contain a
single quote as an apostrophe as part of their name. Is there a way to
tell FVWM to not try and find said quote's partner? Any help would be

Eduardo Alvarez			http://www.great-atuin.net/~punga
						(offline, at the moment)
"Stercus, stercus stercus, moriturus sum"
    			-- Rincewind the Wizzard, "Interesting Times"
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