Re: FVWM: Java freezes fvwm shortcuts

From: Paul D. Smith <>
Date: 19 Jun 2000 17:15:17 -0400

%% Sven Esbjerg <> writes:

  se> On Mon, Jun 19, 2000 at 08:16:36AM -0400, Thomas A. Gardiner wrote:
>> This is probably a bad question to ask, but did any of the control keys
>> get turned on like caps-lock or num-lock. I've seen things like this
>> before with netscape (my system is almost identical to yours) but I
>> thought it a fluke...

  se> Hmmm... yes it sounds like a fluke but - I thought I should give
  se> it a try since I usually use my Numeric Keypad while connected to
  se> homebanking. This requires 'Num Lock' which I had not connected
  se> with the strange fvwm behaviour.

  se> I connected to the bank (without using the Numeric Keypad this
  se> time) and behold fvwm still works. Now before I rush out and talk
  se> to one of the developers I would really like if someone else could
  se> reproduce this beahviour.

  se> All I asking is for someone (preferably several people) to enable
  se> java in your Netscape browser, go to a site with java, hit Num
  se> Lock while you're there and sees if your mouse- and key-bindings
  se> freeze.

You're misunderstanding what's happening. Your mouse and key bindings
aren't freezing when NUMLOCK is pressed. It's just that when a modifier
like NUMLOCK, CTRL, etc. is pressed, the keysequences transmitted to the
client aren't the same as they were before. If you press "p" and
"CTRL-p", the client gets different symbols. Ditto for "F1" and
"NUMLOCK-F1". Things bound to F1 won't be activated when you type
NUMLOCK-F1, just like they won't be activated when you type SHIFT-F1, etc.

There is no "freezing" going on, it's just that the key and mouse
strokes you're using when NUMLOCK is set aren't bound to any commands.

See the FVWM FAQ, question 5.5.

 Paul D. Smith <>         Network Management Development
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist
   These are my opinions---Nortel Networks takes no responsibility for them.
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Received on Mon Jun 19 2000 - 16:15:37 BST

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