Re: FVWM: Java freezes fvwm shortcuts

From: Gregory A. Shimansky <>
Date: 19 Jun 2000 15:28:53 +0400

>>>>> "SE" == Sven Esbjerg <> writes:

SE> I'm haveing some problems with fvwm2. When I use netscape and I browse through
SE> pages that uses java fvwm sort of freezes. All key-bindings and mouse-bindings
SE> stop working. Not even a restart will help - only to kill X.

I have the same problem. Recently a found a cool java game
( -> Burning metal). When I launch it,
both through Netscape or appletviewer, it opens a full screen window and if
an error is encountered and the game is stopped I have no way to close this
window. No keys, no mouse clicks work. Nothing at all. This window seems to
be as ignorant to anything as an xlock window. Have to telnet from another
compute and kill java process.

SE> Has anyone experienced anything like it? Does anyone have a clue on how to
SE> debug such a thing - do I start with fvwm2 or X?

Would like to hear the answer too.

SE> I'm using Netscape 4.73 with 128bit encryption, XFree86-3.3.6 and fvwm 2.2.4.
SE> It happens while running either Linux or FreeBSD.

I am using:

Netscape 4.73,
java version "1.2" Solaris VM (build Solaris_JDK_1.2_01, native threads, sunwjit),
SUN Openwindows,
[FVWM][main]: Fvwm Version 2.3.17 compiled on May 15 2000 at 16:43:09
[FVWM][main]: with support for: ReadLine RPlay Stroke XPM IMLIB Session

SE> Any help is much appreciated

Yeah, me too please! ;-)

P.S. Does anyone know how do I tell TaskBar to stay on top of all windows
that are places in the bottom of the screen? If I do so I can probably use
it to kill the annoying window that takes the whole screen.
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