FVWM: Re: FvwmEvent in version 2.4.6

From: Uwe Pross <keinFruehstuecksfleisch_at_gmx.net>
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2003 16:37:57 +0200 (MEST)

Dominik Vogt wrote:
> > I am forced to use fvwm 2.4.6.
> Why? I can't imagine anything except insufficient disk space or
> lack of internet connection, floppy drive and cd rom drive.

;-) Or a quite secure system, which does not allow you anything except doing
your work. I am quite happy that I have fvwm 2.4.6. Otherwise I would have
to cope with OpenWindows or even worse KDE3.

> > Is there a know problem with FvwmEvent in this version?
> All known problems have been fixed in the later 2.4.x versions.
> Check the NEWS for 2.4.16.
> Fixed. Changing the focus caused a new_page event.

That explains it. So there is no workaround?

BTW: I apologize for the doubled mails and the missing subject. I have write
my mails via a web interface which is quite annoying if one is used to mutt

Cheers, Uwe

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Received on Tue Sep 23 2003 - 09:40:19 BST

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