Re: FVWM: Generalized PipeRead

From: Dan Espen <>
Date: Tue, 09 May 2000 21:32:30 -0400 (Paul D. Smith) writes:
> %% Neil Zanella <> writes:
> nz> PipeRead "echo Exec xterm -bg `` -fg ``"
> PipeRead isn't any more or less powerful; it's invoking a shell. Shells
> are _very_ powerful :). Any shell operations are valid in a PipeRead
> command. The `` is being expanded by the shell that FVWM runs, not by
> the PipeRead builtin. You probably grok that, I'm just making it clear
> in case someone else is confused...

Hey! You don't mean me do you? (It was just meant to illustrate
the point.)

Actually I'm just posting now to check that a mail problem I was
having is cured. (Thanks Jason.)

Dan Espen
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Received on Tue May 09 2000 - 20:32:37 BST

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