Re: FVWM: Fvwm/xterm active icon support

From: Dominik Vogt <>
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 13:12:22 +0200

On Thu, Apr 20, 2000 at 12:29:40PM +0100, Vivek wrote:
> Hi - I'm not 100% sure if this is an Fvwm thing or an xterm thing, but:
> I'm trying to use the 'activeIcon' functionality of the xfree86 xterm
> [patch #132], in fvwm 2.2.4: basically I want iconified xterms to accept
> input: I can verify that the xterms have activeIcon support compiled in:
> If I remove the 'Icon' entry from their styles, I see a miniaturised
> version of an xterm when I iconify them, and I'm _almost certain_ that in
> the past, they used [in a version of fvwm 2.0.x, I think] to accept input
> in this state as well, but they don't seem to do that any more. Rxvts
> still accept input when iconified. Is there something extra I need to do
> to get fvwm 2.2.x to supply input to iconified xterms? [The xterm
> documentation states that the activeIcon input stuff works with fvwm]
> Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? [I've specified 'Lenience' in the xterm
> style, just in case]
> They both have the follwing in ther Identify info:
> Focus Policy: Passive
> - Input Field: True
> - WM_TAKE_FOCUS: Absent
> Anybody have any ideas about this? Is there something I need to
> set/compile in to fvwm? Or should I direct my attention back towards
> xterm?

There were some fixes to the 'active icon' related code in fvwm
in the 2.3.x beta releases. Try if the latest beta (2.3.16)
shows the same symptoms.


Dominik ^_^

Dominik Vogt, Agilent Technologies, Dept. BVS
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