Re: FVWM: Gnome, sawmill and FVWM

From: Mikhael Goikhman <>
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 01:40:44 +0300

On 19 Apr 2000 11:39:24 -0500, Robert H. Ford II wrote:
> I am using version 2.3.16 of FVWM and I have been able to run FVWM with no
> apparent major problems in Gnome (I do have some small ones that are probable
> loser errors). I do however have a couple of questions.
> Does anyone know if the Gnome panel can dock/swallow FVWM's pager?

Yes, just like any other window. Also if you compiled with GNOME support,
you should be able to use a native GNOME pager (there are several ones).

> Will FVWM ever give the user the ability to "Modify" FVWM's settings (Styles,
> TitleStyles, etc...) via Gnome?

Noone can say for sure. Maybe, after the new WM standard will be out.

> While I don't mind doing things by hand, I have
> users who prefer a GUI interface to these things.

Currently the project fvwm-themes aims to provide this functionality,
but not yet, it will be more ready when fvwm-2.4 will be out.

> Any FVWM/Gnome pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Not very much. But FVWM has usable GNOME and session management support.

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