Re: FVWM: 4 questions about fvwm

From: Thomas A. Gardiner <>
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2000 00:18:18 -0400 (EDT)


This is getting long, so I'm going to trim it down a bit.

On Sun, 9 Apr 2000, Jake Holmen wrote:

>J - I'll find out what version I am running, but how do I do that?
>(Help - About?) How do I UN-install the old version of fvwm2 and re-install
>the new? (I assume that you just delete the directory and gunzip the new
>package into the same directory)

If you're using RedHat then I strongly suggest you do not do this. To
find out what version of fvwm2 you are using type

$ rpm -q fvwm2

(This is from the default RH6.1 install, though I use fvwm2.2.4 ...)

This is the package which the rpm database knows about. Another thing you
can do is, if I am guessing correctly what version you are using, press
the left mouse button on the root window and select "About Fvwm". If you
are using the AnotherLevel package then you will see at the top the words
"AnotherLevel - a FVWM2 configuration" and below the version of Fvwm2
among other things. To upgrage, go to rufus or RedHat or wherever you
like and download a new rpm. Then as root type

rpm -Uvh fvwm2......rpm

to upgrade the package. You should be able to find fvwm2.2.4 in rpm
form... Are you using RH5.2 or 6.x?

Of course if you would prefer to build it yourself you can always do so...


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Received on Sun Apr 09 2000 - 23:18:30 BST

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