FVWM: Theme Matters (4dwm look)

From: Martin Adelstein <mart.ad_at_gmx.net>
Date: Tue, 04 Apr 2000 08:26:06 +0200

Hello List,

I am new to this list and therefore I'd like to introduce myself with a
first personal matter to this list:
I'd like to know of there is a configuration file, which resembles the
IRIX 4dwm look on the fvwm2 window manager..

In fact is there a possibility to make fvwm look more like the default
scwm scheme, which is quite close to the 4dwm look...
To be honest scwm is kinda a difficult to configure at the
beginning...... ;)

I have only found a theme for enlightenment, but it is not configurable,
as it came in one file .... (I am professional enough at enlightenment I
think ...;))
I'd be glad for any response ......


Created with Apple Powerbook G3/500
.....running soon on LINUX PPC :)
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