FVWM: problems with FvwmButtons

From: <jhenders_at_bogon.com>
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2000 12:31:50 -0800

Hi folks. I haven't kept as current as I'd like to with Fvwm2 versions,
but I just upgraded to 2.2.4 this weekend and have run across a problem
with FvwmButtons configuration that is making me pull my hair out. The
following lines worked in the previous 2.2.X beta version I was using
but completely break in the new version, yet the man page for
FvwmButtons doesn't seem to be much different than the last version I

Here's one example. I have a verticle bar on the right side of the
screen. It's set up like this.

*VertButtonsGeometry -1+0
*VertButtonsColumns 1

then I have a clock in the top button, which used to launch plan when
clicked on. here's the line that defined it.

*VertButtons( Title foo, Swallow(NoTitle) "asclock" 'Exec asclock -12 -led Yellow &', Action 'Exec "plan" plan &' )

and another button that loaded Netscape with a shell wrapper, invoking
one version of netscape if the left button was pressed and another if
the right one was.

*VertButtons( Icon Jnetscape.xpm, Action(mouse 1) 'Exec "Netscape" /home/jhenders/bin/run.netscape &', \
Action(mouse 3) 'Exec "" /home/jhenders/bin/run.netscape4 &' )

Now when I try to run either of these, I get the following error and
nothing happens.

No such module 'Exec "plan" plan' in ModulePath '/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fvwm2'

Does anyone know what changed in the parsing of these lines and how I
could fix it?

  Artificial Intelligence stands no chance against Natural Stupidity.
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                 b+++ e* s-/+ n-(?) h++ f+g+ w+++ y*
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