FVWM: Rotate window list without changing focus?

From: Jan T. Kim <kim_at_mpiz-koeln.mpg.de>
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 21:21:57 +0100

Hi all,

here's a quick question: Is it possible to raise a window and rotate it
to the top of the windowlist without having to give that window the
keyboard focus?

Below follows a description of what I want, and what I've tried so
far. Please tell me what I overlooked...

I would like to set up fvwm2 such that I can cyclically raise all
windows with the PageUp / PageDown keys, i.e. repeated PageDown
keystrokes should raise one window after the other, allowing me to find
a window which I've buried too deep. I use MouseFocus, and I'd like to
be able to move the mouse pointer over the root window, and then start
cycling, so no application will receive these keystrokes, and I won't
have to snatch the PageDown keystrokes away from an application which
may have a use for it.

The most simple approach

    Key Next R N Next [*] Raise

does not work, because the raised window does not become current, so
repeated PageDown keystrokes will just raise the same window again,
i.e. effectively do nothing.

It seems that the only command for rotating the windowlist is Focus,
so I tried:

    Key Next R N Function Next-Focus-and-Raise

    AddToFunc Next-Focus-and-Raise "I" Next [*] Raise
    + "I" Next [*] Focus

This works once, but not repeatedly. Somewhat weirdly, the the Focus
command gives the keyboard focus to the target window, even though
this is inconsistent with MouseFocus if the mouse pointer is over the
root window. As a result, all but the first PageDown keypresses are
sent to the application owning the target window instead of being
processed by fvwm2.

A while ago, I have settled for

    Key Next A CM Function Next-Focus-and-Raise

However, I am not satisfied with this solution, because (1) I don't
like having the window manager taking away keypresses from applications
which do have the keyboard focus and (2) I find pressing
Ctrl-Alt-PageDown quite inconvenient, so I don't use this as often as I
might do otherwise.

Thanx in advance for any hints.

Greetinx, Jan
 +- Jan T. Kim -------------------------------------------------------+
 |             email: kim_at_mpiz-koeln.mpg.de                           |
 |             WWW:   http://www.mpiz-koeln.mpg.de/~kim/              |
 *-----=<  hierarchical systems are for files, not for humans  >=-----*
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