FVWM: My Wharf sucks

From: David J. Kanter <djkanter_at_nwu.edu>
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2000 22:05:44 -0600

My biggest problem with the wharf is that even with MaxSwallow, some apps
run too wide and are cut off. Here's the relevant section of my .fvwm2rc:


*FvwmWharfGeometry +1076+0
*FvwmWharfTextureType 1
*FvwmWharfTextureColor midnightblue lightblue
*FvwmWharfMaxColors 256

# The actual wharf apps:
# *FvwmWharf wmtime nil MaxSwallow "wmtime" wmtime -digital &
# *FvwmWharf wmdate nil MaxSwallow "wmdate" wmdate -s &
# *FvwmWharf wmcpu nil MaxSwallow "wmcpu" wmcpu -l &
# *FvwmWharf wmsysmon nil MaxSwallow "wmsysmon" wmsysmon &
# *FvwmWharf wmppp nil MaxSwallow "wmppp" wmppp -t 1 &
*FvwmWharf astime - MaxSwallow "astime" astime &
*FvwmWharf asmon - MaxSwallow "asmon" asmon &
# *FvwmWharf asload - MaxSwallow "asload" asload -shape &
*FvwmWharf asmem - MaxSwallow "asmem" asmem &
*FvwmWharf asmounter - MaxSwallow "asmounter" asmounter &
*FvwmWharf wmppp - MaxSwallow "wmppp" wmppp -t 1 &

Asmon and wmppp are the troublemakers. Any idea why, and what I can do?

David J. Kanter
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Received on Thu Mar 09 2000 - 22:30:43 GMT

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