Re: FVWM: functions w/ params sluggish

From: Dominik Vogt <>
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2000 09:42:30 +0100

On Fri, Feb 18, 2000 at 09:33:10AM +1100, wrote:
> i think i've sussed this just by pure chance! it looks as though fvwm is
> waiting for the (absence of the) second click before it can decide what it
> is to do. i've noticed that certain functions seem to take a while for no
> readily apparent reason. then i was playing around with the following:
> Mouse 1 WTFSI SC Move-or-Lower
> Mouse 3 WTFSI SC Move-or-Raise
> AddToFunc Move-or-Raise
> + "I" Raise
> + "M" Move
> + "D" Lower
> AddToFunc Move-or-Lower
> + "C" Lower
> + "M" Move
> and i noticed that the mb3 function waits while mb1 is immediate - curious.
> looking at the above the only thing i can imagine is that fvwm has to wait
> for the double click timeout to expire to be sure whether it's a single or
> double click. i hope someone can confirm this?

Exactly. BTW, the delay only occurs if you hold the button but
don't start moving. So, although the cursor doesn't change to the
move cursor, you can still start moving the window.


Dominik ^_^

Dominik Vogt, Agilent Technologies, Dept. BVS
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