Re: FVWM: Re: MouseOver/Focus event handler?

From: Danny Dulai <>
Date: 15 Feb 2000 16:35:00 -0000

On 02/15/00, Johannes Zellner said:
>On 15 Feb 2000, Danny Dulai wrote:
>> I'm trying to add title bars to my windows when they get focus, and remove
>> them when they leave focus, I have this so far:
>> *FvwmEvent focus_change my_focusevent
>> AddToFunc my_focusevent "I" WindowId $0 Style $n Title
>> Now the title gets added, but I'm not sure how to find out which window was
>> just unfocused so I can remove the titles. I'm using Sloppyfocus btw.
>aah. great. exactly what I'd need. Remove Borders and Titles from
>windows which don't have input focus.
>If you manage to get this working would you mind sending me
>the setup ? -- That would be great.

*FvwmEvent focus_change my_focusevent
AddToFunc my_focusevent "I" Current (!Fvwm*) Style $n Title
+ "I" Prev (!Fvwm*) Style $n NoTitle

I don't want my Fvwm* windows having titles ever.

This is pretty annoying tho, since it moves the windows up and down :(

It'd be much cooler to be able to move the windows up and show the border,
but that flickers really bad :(

Anyone have any ideas on toggling the titlebars without moving the actual
window (just moving the windowmanager controled parent)?

Danny Dulai                                           Feet. Pumice. Lotion.                  
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Received on Tue Feb 15 2000 - 10:35:08 GMT

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