Re: FVWM: Config Help

From: Tim Phipps <>
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2000 15:56:32 +0000

Jerry Alexandratos wrote:
> Nah, that's exactly what I don't want. With one "alt-tab" press, I want
> to flipfocus, with multiple ones in a row, I want to cycle my focus.

I think what you want is a bit more subtle. When you say multiple ones
in a row don't you mean repeated hits of the TAB key without letting go
of the ALT key? It's impossible in fvwm. The nearest you can get is
using the built in WindowList menu (see the FAQ question 3.3 )


> --Jerry
> name: Jerry Alexandratos || Open-Source software isn't a
> phone: 302.593.4322 || matter of life or death...
> email: || ...It's much more important
> || than that!
> --
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