Re: FVWM: can't move windows under Solaris 2.6

From: Dan Espen <>
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2000 16:24:13 -0500

Tom Lewis <> writes:
> Hi -
> I installed and configured fvwm as one of the window manager options in CDE,
> under Solaris 2.6. It seems to start up fine, I can change focus, execute
> commands
> in the windows, use the scroll bars and all that stuff, but I can't use the
> mouse
> to drag the windows around on the desktop. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? I
> 've
> searched through a lot of the mailing list archives and checked the FAQ, but
> haven't
> come across anything that seems relevant.

What did you put in your .fvwm2rc for moving windows?

I don't think there is anything built in for moving until you get to
some of our recent betas.

Here's one I like:

Mouse 2 W M Move

(Button 2 with the Meta key held down moves the window.)

> Thanks,
> Tom
> --

Dan Espen
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Received on Fri Jan 14 2000 - 15:27:21 GMT

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