FVWM: Bug in FvwmConfig

From: Jean-Pierre Demailly <Jean-Pierre.Demailly_at_ujf-grenoble.fr>
Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2000 15:02:16 +0100 (MET)

There is a bug in the (braindead!) FvwmConfig module. The bug occurs only
in case of depth modes 16 and more under X. Actually, FvwmConfig appears
not to have been maintained since a long time, maybe it's the reason.
In any case, the bug was easy to correct -- find below the corrected
FvwmConfig.tar.gz file in attachment.

I personally like quite much fvwm2 and have been using it for about 5 years.
The only point which is missing, I believe (and which is a bit discouraging
for beginners), is GUI-configuration on the fly of the main features: namely
menus and buttons (less essential things such as window decorations, styles,
themes, ... should perhaps also be GUI-configurable). It would be very nice
to be able to manipulate the tree of popups with the mouse and then have
a routine converting fvwm's actual configuration into a .fvwm2rc file...

(Of course, fvwmconfig from John Lapeyre does this to some extent, but
the Tcl/Tk interface probably cannot be nicely integrated as a module.
Also, fvwmconfig somehow has "too many" features -- again in view of
use by beginners.)

Why not thinking about an extended FvwmConfig module in this direction?
Implementing "easy" GUI-configuration of menus, buttons and styles is
maybe not that hard...

Jean-Pierre Demailly

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Received on Tue Jan 04 2000 - 08:06:02 GMT

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