FVWM: trouble with Iconification...

From: King V <king_v_at_mindless.com>
Date: Fri, 08 Aug 2003 15:45:50 -0400

Hello all,

I have a question regarding the updated FVWM2 package, and behavior of

Up until today, I was using FVWM 2.4.9 (package
fvwm2-2.4.9-1mdk.i586.rpm), and had things pretty much working as I liked
them, with my system.fvwm2rc set how I wanted.

I today upgraded to 2.4.14 package fvwm2-2.4.14-1mdk.i586.rpm).

However, when using the EXACT SAME system.fvwm2rc file, when I would
iconify the windows, they would just completely vanish.

I am using FvwmIconMan, and not using any actual icons, just listing them
in the upper left corner of the screen.

I finally figured that this was due to the:
Style * NoIcon

line in my system.fvwm2rc file. However, if I eliminate this line, not
only does the window iconify, but what appears to be some sort of default
icon manager ALSO has the window.

Please see:

As you can see, in the list of 5 windows, the 3rd one is iconified
(indicated by the small square next to the text of the window title). Note
however that tucked behind the list, you can see trailing along the top
edge, to the right of the list, a titlebar of sorts (with the text
"omcast.net: /home/king_v" visible).

So now if I don't use NoIcon, I have that extra titlebar floating around
when I iconify a window, but if I use NoIcon, not only will that titlebar
be gone, but FvwmIconMan will lose the window from its list as well.

Is there a way around this? How can I get the behavior that 2.4.9 was
giving me while still using the latest version?

Thanks in advance.

        - Joe Vahabzadeh

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