FVWM: Bringing an iconified window on _current_ page

From: parv <parv_fm_at_fastmail.fm>
Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2003 15:19:14 -0400


Is it possible (in fvwm 2.5.7) to display/deiconify a iconified
window on the current page, rather than moving to the page where the
iconified window used to be (to see the deiconified window)?

If this could be set per window name/resource, that would be swell.

Here is one idea[0]...

  - make the iconified window sticky
  - deiconify
  - make it unsticky

  [0] http://groups.google.com/groups?selm=vaf4t2bm75x.fsf%40ramses.ls6.uni-do

...WRT above plan, would making a iconified sticky happen first, if
at all, before deiconification?

I suppose, window could me styled w/ 'SkipMapping' before
deiconification; turned off after being unsticky...

  - make the iconified window sticky
  - apply SkipMapping style
  - deiconify
  - make it unsticky
  - apply !SkipMapping style

...what do you think?

  - Parv

A programmer, budding Unix system administrator, and amateur photographer
seeks employment:  http://www103.pair.com/parv/work/
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Received on Sat Aug 02 2003 - 14:18:01 BST

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