FVWM: fvwm

From: Salvatore Leone <ototl_at_tiscali.it>
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2003 22:08:56 +0200

Hi again
I try to compile and everything seems to be ok
this is the messagea the end of the ./configure:

FVWM Configuration:

   Version: 2.4.16

   Executables: /usr/local/bin
   Man pages: /usr/local/man
   Modules: /usr/local/libexec/fvwm/2.4.16
   Data files: /usr/local/share/fvwm

   With GNOME Window Manager hints? yes
   With GTK support for FvwmGtk? no: Failed to detect GTK, see
   With Multibyte support? no: Use --enable-multibyte to enable
   With ReadLine sup. in FvwmConsole? no: Can't find working libreadline
   With RPlay support in FvwmEvent? yes
   With Shaped window support? yes
   With Session Management support? yes
   With Stroke support? no: Can't find working libstroke
   With Xinerama support? yes
   With XPM support? no: Can't find working libXpm

but I have some new problem...
when I digit "fvwm" as normal user it says that there isn't a file with
that name, and if I try that as root that there is another VW runnig.
I think this is all ok... but How can I start the pc with fvwm as
default VM?? I know there is a file named .xinitrc but it don't exist in
my home and I don't know how to edit it.

sorry for boring you with this questions but I'm only a student...
thanx again

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Received on Thu Jun 19 2003 - 15:11:26 BST

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