FVWM: fvwm and fontconfig/libxft2

From: Christian Lyra <lyra_at_pop-pr.rnp.br>
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2003 16:05:27 -0300

Hi all

        I'm trying to compile fvwm 2.5.7 but I'm getting this:

With Xft anti-alias font support? no: Can't detect Xft 1 or fontconfig

        After ./configure. I already have libxft2-dev and libfontconfig-dev (Debian
Sid), but configure failed to find it. If I'm not wrong the new fontconfig
package dont have the fontconfig-config binaries, so if ./configure looks for
this is no good...
        Is there something else that can be done?

Christian Lyra


  Grand Master Turing once dreamed that he was a machine. When he awoke he
    ``I don't know whether I am Turing dreaming that I am a machine, or a
machine dreaming that I am Turing!''
                                                The Tao Of Programing

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