Re: FVWM: VMWare/Evolution and focus following mouse

From: <>
Date: Thu, 15 May 2003 20:44:47 -0400

On Thu, 2003-05-08 at 03:02, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> Please provide detailed instructions and a stripped down config.

Evolution seems to grab the focus away from the window under the cursor.
I can reproduce this with a very minimal config and fvwm 2.5.6. I've
attached the config to this message.

To reproduce, start up Galeon (I have version 1.3.4) and Evolution (I
have 1.2.4) and an xterm. Put galeon at the top of the screen and shade
it by double-clicking on its titlebar. Arrange an xterm in front of the
Evolution. (See for a screenshot.)
Move the cursor back and forth between the galeon and the xterm. After
a few tries, the focus will "stick" to the Evolution window even though
the mouse cursor is actually in the xterm. On my system, I can
reproduce the failure mode about 10% of the time.

Here's my ~/.fvwm2rc:

Style "*" FocusFollowsMouse

DestroyFunc Shade
AddToFunc Shade
+ "I" Raise
+ "M" Move
+ "D" WindowShade

Mouse 1 T A Shade


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Received on Thu May 15 2003 - 19:46:14 BST

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