FVWM: Anatomy of a key or mouse binding

From: Tim Johnson <tim_at_johnsons-web.com>
Date: Sat, 26 Apr 2003 09:35:12 -0800

Hello All:
   I could use some further enlightenment on
   the topic of key and mouse bindings.
   In the man pages, web site and config files
   I see examples of bindings, but I've not
   been able to see a breakdown of the components.
   For instance:

   Key F1 R A Popup MenuFvwmRoot
          ^ ^
          | |__ "Needs clarification"
          |__ "Needs clarification"

  Could someone please point me to some very basic
  docs on command structure?
  Web pages, man pages, keywords to search for etc...
  Using fvwm-2.4.15. on RH 7.2

  Kind regards
Tim Johnson <tim_at_johnsons-web.com>
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Received on Sat Apr 26 2003 - 12:37:26 BST

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