Re: FVWM: a few Q's

From: Ken Deeter <>
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2003 18:25:29 -0700

Hi, thanks for the responses.

> There's currently not a way to do this internally, *however*, Peter
> McAlpine wrote a module using FvwmPerl to pull this off. I've thrown it
> at since I don't want to attach
> it. I load it from my InitFunction with 'Module', and
> there's little else to it!
> I do think you'll need to use 2.5 for it, though--I don't think
> FVWM::Module exists in 2.4.

Nice. I'll give that a try. The Perl module stuff seems very interesting
to me... it lets you keep state that the core itself doesnt.. but for me
it leads to the question, how much of the functionality do you implement
in the core and how much in perl (or other external module)? Is there a
philosophy in terms of what goes in and what stays out? Is fvwm going in
the direction of a sawfish that uses perl but with better primitives?

Also how is the performance of the perl module? and can something
simliar be done for other languages (ruby?)

> I don't think there's a way to do this, either, but I'd like to see
> something like it. I often have so many windows on one viewport that
> it's very difficult to figure out which I'm actually after by the window
> title alone.

Perhaps there is some way to do it with the perl stuff..

> while [ 1 ]; do
> fvwm
> RET="$?"
> if [ "$RET" = 0 -o "$RET" = 1 ]; then
> break
> fi
> if [ "$RET" -gt 128 ]; then
> SIGNAL=" (signal $((RET - 128))"
> else
> fi
> xmessage "fvwm returned with exit code $RET$SIGNAL"
> done
> This pops up an xmessage if fvwm exits abnormally explaining what
> happened and then restarts it.

interesting.. i'll have to give that a try.. or perhaps i could
do an automatic respawn if I put it into a gnome session.


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