FVWM: Losing it

From: Robert Inder <robert_at_3lg.org>
Date: 13 Feb 2003 14:54:14 +0000

I guess this isn't entirely a FVWM problem, but I suspect the
answer involves FVWM, so I'll ask anyway....

Every so often, I lose my mouse.

As in: I start at the screen and can't see the pointer. I have
to swish it and watch the focus move between windows until
I spot it. I'm prety sure it was there all the time, but just too
inconspicuous to see.

This seems to be a very general X problem, and indeed Google has
turned up a "HOWTO" that talks about generating my own cursor font.
But unfortunately it is so old the links out of it to the relevant
software and configuration files have died of old age.

I've seen someone else trying to solve the same problem by binding a
key to make a window pop up under the mouse pointer.

Does anyone else have this problem? How do you solve it?


Insert witticism here
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Received on Thu Feb 13 2003 - 08:52:27 GMT

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