Re: FVWM: Some suggestions -a rant

From: Maciej Kalisiak <>
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2003 13:00:23 -0500

On Fri, Jan 17, 2003 at 11:29:14AM -0500, Remko Troncon wrote:
> So a suggestion for making FVWM more appealing: add some screenshots of
> 'designer' look and feels (with nice title bars with pixmaps etc.)
> I am currently changing the look of my FVWM again, and maybe i can
> contribute a screenshot in the near future.

Agreed, but don't forget the other side of the coin: if you're going to provide
a nice snapshot, PLEASE provide the .fvwm2rc (or just the key bits of it to get
most of the look)! There's nothing more frustrating then seeing a tantalizing
screenshot and then spending hours trying to get anywhere close. The implied
"here's what to aim for; here's the man page; go to it", although theoretically
sound, practically *really* sucks. Fvwm is one of the most configurable window
managers out there, but this carries a price: configuring it takes longer (for
a general user), as there is so many things to tweak and tune.

Maciej Kalisiak       mac "at"
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Received on Fri Jan 17 2003 - 12:01:36 GMT

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