FVWM: [newbie] list of commands for .fvwm2rc

From: Jules Alberts <jules.alberts_at_arbodienst-limburg.nl>
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2002 15:22:30 +0100

Hello everyone,

A few days ago I moved from gnome+sawfish to fvwm (2.4.14 on a redhat
box), mainly because of the speed (IMO gnome was a bit slow on a 450MHz
CPU). I like it a lot, especially the freedom to configure everything
you want in two text files (.xinitrc and .fvwm2rc).

The basic look+feel, nor any of the themes out there is 100% to my
liking, so I'm trying to roll my own .fvwm2rc. The samples on the web
the FAQ etc. are very helpful, but I'm wondering if a list exists with
an explanation of all settings and commands (Style, AddToFunc, Key

TIA for any pointers!
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Received on Tue Dec 10 2002 - 08:24:13 GMT

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