Re: FVWM: alt-tab and applets

From: Denis Perelyubskiy <denisp_at_CS.UCLA.EDU>
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2002 16:06:51 -0800

  * <> [31-Oct-02 15:50 -0800]:
>Hey, two things. Can Fvwm2 do the windows "alt+tab" cycle
>through the open windows? Have a small pop-up in the
>centre of the screen that cycles through

Key Tab A M WindowList (CurrentPage) Root c c NoGeometry, \
                  CurrentAtEnd, IconifiedAtEnd

look up in 'man' what they do.
I *think* this config will work for 2.5.x, but not sure
whether it will work for 2.4.x as is. I think,
'CurrentAtEnd' and 'IconifiedAtEnd' may be the 2.5.x option

However, I think The CurrentPage option, and 'Root c c'
(position in the center of the root window) position will

In any case, grep man for above, and you shall find lots of

>windows that are open. And make it so that not every
>window gets put onto the cycle list, only windows that
>have the properties "show up on the windows list" so that
>button bars and lists of windows do not show up on the
>"alt+tab" list. I don't want to see my xeyes, or
>fvwmbuttons, or startmenu show up.

depends on how you want to do it: i think it is easier to
use defaults (i.e. all windows show up) and then add styles
for windows that you dont want to show up. Here is an

   Style FvwmPager WindowListSkip

I am not sure how to specify a style option "show up on the
list", but I am sure someone here does :-) (if it is

>Second, I have got a few wm applets running (wmCalClock,
>and wmWeather), and
>I have no way to tell them where to start (at what geometric position). Is
>there some way of doing this directly from fvwm2, (they do not support the
>-geo argument)or is there some way of controlling them using something else,
>maybe a wm applet daemon?

dont know, sorry....


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