FVWM: Fvwm on a laptop: setting my physical screen resolution?

From: Tessa Lau <tlau-fvwm_at_ofb.net>
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2002 09:21:16 -0500

Hi all,

I use fvwm on a laptop. When it's docked, it's connected to a monitor
with 1600x1200 resolution; when I undock it, I have a virtual screen
of 1600x12000 and physical screen of 1024x768.

One of the problems that crops up is that an application will pop up
modal dialog boxes (e.g., a browser's "save file" dialog) that are
mapped off the edge of the physical display. Unless I think to pan to
the right and check for modal dialogs, it looks like my browser has

I'd like to make it such that when I'm undocked, no windows are mapped
beyond the edge of the physical screen, so that I can use my laptop as
if it had an effective virtual resolution of 1024x768. AFAIK, X is
incapable of dynamically changing virtual screen resolutions, so I'm
trying to find a workaround using the window manager. I need to do
this without restarting my X server or killing running applications.
Restarting the window manager is okay, though I'd prefer a method that
communicates with a running fvwm.

Is this possible? It seems like what I want is the ability to set the
$[vp.width] and $[vp.height] variables to different values rather than
having them be autodetected by querying the X server.

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Received on Thu Oct 31 2002 - 08:22:18 GMT

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