FVWM: WindowList and pointer warping

From: Maciej Kalisiak <mac_at_cs.toronto.edu>
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2002 02:43:24 -0400


I'm using fvwm 2.5.3. When I select a window using the WindowList
(I've specified "SelectOnRelease"), the mouse pointer is warped to the
upper left corner of said window. How do I turn this off? I've tried
a number of things without success. Here are some .fvwm2rc parts I
consider relevant:

| Key Tab A 4 WindowList (CurrentDesk !Sticky)\
| CurrentAtEnd SelectOnRelease Super_L IconifiedAtEnd Geometry
| # with Shift, do ALL windows
| Key Tab A S4 WindowList \
| CurrentAtEnd SelectOnRelease Super_L IconifiedAtEnd Geometry
| # Remove the default Alt-Tab binding
| Key Tab A M -
| Style * ClickToFocus, GrabFocus, MinOverlapPlacement, NoIcon, NoPPosition
| Style * BorderWidth 4
| MenuStyle * \
| MenuFace TiledPixmap marble.xpm,\
| Font "-monotype-arial-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-p-*-*-*",\
| Hilight3dOff, \
| AutomaticHotKeys, \
| HilightBack blue, \
| ActiveFore white, \
| BorderWidth 1, \
| PopupOffset 0 100, \
| PopdownImmediately, \
| PopupImmediately, \
| TitleUnderlines2,\
| !FPFocusByFunctionWarpPointer
| MenuStyle FancyMenu\
| MenuFace TiledPixmap marble.xpm, \
| SidePic fvwm-menu-sidebar.xpm, \
| Font "-monotype-arial-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-p-*-*-*",\
| Hilight3dOff, \
| VerticalItemSpacing 1 2, \
| AutomaticHotKeys, \
| HilightBack blue, \
| ActiveFore white, \
| BorderWidth 1, \
| PopupOffset 0 100, \
| PopdownImmediately, \
| PopupImmediately, \
| TitleUnderlines2
| ChangeMenuStyle FancyMenu RootMenu
| Style * !FPFocusByFunctionWarpPointer

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Maciej Kalisiak       mac "at" dgp.toronto.edu       www.dgp.toronto.edu/~mac
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Received on Sat Oct 26 2002 - 01:44:28 BST

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