Re: FVWM: .fvwm2rc example

From: Floyd Davidson <>
Date: 24 Sep 2002 23:28:39 -0800

Russell <> wrote:
>I'm using fvwm 2.4.6 on debian. The fvwm manual mentions
>a .fvwm2rc example, but i can't find it. Where can i get

In addition to finding the sample.fvwm2rc file which comes with
the distribution, I would _highly_ recommend going to google at,

and doing a search on the single word "fvwm2rc". You'll turn up
nearly 8000 hits, so it might also be good to limit the search
to the last 3 months and English, plus set it to show 100
responses instead of just 10 (because you will still get 2500

Most of what you'll find is heavily based on the sample fvwm2rc
files that come with the distribution. But it will give you an
idea just how differently many people manage to find ways to run

I've been using fvwm since version 1 came out, but I've only
been subscribed to this mailing list for a couple weeks.
However, I'll bet that if you start talking about specific
things you want to try, or in any way give an idea what you'd
like your desktop to look like and be able to do, you'll
probably find several people just overjoyed to tell about how
they configured fvwm to _thier_ idea of perfection!

Floyd L. Davidson              <>
Ukpeagvik (Barrow, Alaska)  "Place where people hunt snowy owls"
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Received on Wed Sep 25 2002 - 02:30:40 BST

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