Re: FVWM: .fvwm2rc syntax guide?

From: Len Philpot <>
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 21:26:56 -0500

On Sun, Aug 25, 2002 at 10:20:47PM +0000, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:
> On 25 Aug 2002 16:18:42 -0500, Len Philpot wrote:
> > 2. When I configure a Popup StartMenu, is there a way to accurately
> > control where it appears on screen, in regard to the Start button? If I
> > understood MenuStyle a bit better, maybe the answer is there
> > (PopupOffset, or whatever it's called)...?
> Yes, you may do this accurately in 2.5.1+, scan NEWS file.
> In 2.4.x, you may do this too using Rectangle or Mouse hint (there are
> examples in fvwm-themes), but not as accurately as in 2.5.x.

I'm using FvwmTaskBar, with no RootMenu configured, but rather all the
same entries on the StartMenu. It pops up just fine when I click the
task bar button, but the position is relative to the mouse pointer, not
to the task bar. That's what I'm trying to achieve. I'm currently
running 2.4.6, BTW (latest RPM for RedHat 7.x I could locate in a quick
search). Here's what I've tried to pin down the location:

AddToMenu StartMenu Root x y SelectInPlace

...where x and y are various offsets. I would expect x to be 0 and y to
basically be height_of_root_window - height_of_menu - height_of_taskbar.
In this intance, referencing the lower left corner of the menu would
have been more convenient and less prone to change, although menu's
typically _do_ drop down, so I see the value in the upperleft reference
point. Trouble is, it doesn't seem to make any difference at all what I
put there - Nothing ever changes. My MenuStyle is :

MenuStyle * Foreground black, Background grey70, Greyed grey90,\
 HilightBack grey60, ActiveFore black, Hilight3DThickness -1, \
 font -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*, Animation,\
 PopupDelay 55, PopdownDelay 5, TitleWarpOff, SeparatorsLong,\
 TrianglesRelief, PopupOffset 0 95

...with the exception that it's actually all on one line. It works as
expected, but is something there interfering?
> What exactly annoys you about menus and windows? Provide configurations.

It's just that I prefer the mouse pointer to stay where it is when I
click it. In general, I'm not a big fan of anything in the UI
"responding" or taking any kind of action without an explicit
instruction on the part of the user. I'd rather not even have the menu
selection move with the mouse without the button being down, given a
choice, and I don't care for "highlighting" icons that change as you
mouseover them (so popular in Windows, Gnome, KDE, etc.), but that's
just my personal GUI preferences. I like intefaces that are totally
static until acted upon by the user. Once again, just my preference.
Even under Windows, I don't turn on the option to jump to the active
control. With those sort of things active, I tend to spend more time
looking for the mouse pointer. The way I have it now, I have no warping
happening, at least none I've noticed, so I'm happy with that.

Let me clarify something - I may have inadvertently come across as
critical of fvwm and the way things are done. That was not intentional,
but rather just the product of frustration (indeed, I even stated such
in one post). I usually never write when in such a state, as I always
regret it later. I'll state again: I like what I'm learning of fvwm and
I'm appreciative of the help; it's just that the learning process is
somewhat painful at times (at least, it smarts here and there...).

|  Len Philpot       ><>  |
| (alt)  |
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