Re: FVWM: QuitFunction

From: Remko Troncon <>
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2002 13:12:01 +0200

> I don't see a problem with this.

It's a pure luxury problem.
When fvwm is restarted, xplanet doesn't have to be restarted because all
it does is update the background. Restarting it on every fvwm restart is
CPU intensive, and causes the background to blank out for a few seconds.

> Noone just needed it, because other solutions exist. We would also need
> PreRestartFunction for completeness.

I'm not saying that i _really_ need it, because as you said before, it
can be moved out of fvwm inside a wrapper. But now that i read the
manual more thoroughly, i get your point on needing Pre-restart
functions. I had the impression that the functions were organized this
way (which they aren't):
    - InitFunction: called upon initialization only
    - QuitFunction (doesn't exist): called when the user quits only

    - StartFunction: called after InitFunction (when initing) or
                            after RestartFunction (when restarting)
    - RestartFunction: called before QuitFunction (when quitting) or
                              before StartFunction (when restarting)
My intuition behind this was that, things you want to do before a restart
(RestartFunction) and after a restart (StartFunction) , you also want
to do before quitting and after initing respectively.

I hope this makes any sense to you at all ;)

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